Why Men Should Check if They’re Infertile Too

If you’re struggling with TTC, it’s easy to take the blame yourself.  You schedule another doctor’s appointment, you change your diet, and you try the exercises.  What could I be doing differently?  What did I do to make this happen?  How can I be better about charting? We know how frustrating it is to have questions and not get answers.  Surrounded by the thoughts of what you can do better to get pregnant, the idea that maybe it’s not you might not have crossed your mind.

You’ve probably read online that 1 in 6 couples struggles with infertility.  But did you know that 30% of infertility struggles stem from combined infertility from the female and male?  Did you know that 20% of infertility struggles are a result of male infertility alone?

Another surprising fact is that roughly 40-50% of all male infertility causes are unknown.  Chances are that the “unknown causes,” however, aren’t that unknown.  In fact, most issues stem from abnormal sperm.  This means that sperm mobility is inhibited or sperm life span is shortened.  Another cause is low sperm count.

We’re guessing you have two questions… 1) How can you diagnose male infertility? 2) What can be done?

If you are having difficulty TTC, we recommend both partners getting checked for infertility.  The only way to know for certain to to be examined by a doctor.  Tests include, but are not limited to, a medical history check-up and examination by a doctor and a semen analysis.  Even then, male infertility can still be hard to diagnose.  Consult with your doctor if you are unsure of your options.

As for what can be done to fix it?  There really is no magic cure for infertility.  BUT…there are some things you can to do make the process easier.  If a doctor diagnoses a male infertile, surgery, hormone treatments, and medicine are potential options.  If you haven’t seen a doctor or want to get started right away, try the following tips to help improve male infertility:

  1. Refrain from hot showers
  2. Lower/eliminate drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes from your diet
  3. Wear loose and breathable undergarments
  4. Limit the usage of lubricants during sexual intercourse

As always, it’s best to contact your doctor to find the fertility plan that’s best for you.  




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